2016 Detailed Programme Released!

October is just around the corner; CharterQuest is excited to announce the release of The CFO Case Study Competition 2016 programme. This programme covers both
The charismatic Johnny Eliades will be captivating the audience as emcee (‘MC’), featuring keynotes from Professor Elias Links from the University of Stellenbosch Business School as The CFO Prestigious Award Presenter.
To browse through, click here.
The competition is a great learning experience for the aspirants who get to apply different facets of their classroom learning to a real-world integrated scenario as well as develop and showcase their leadership skills. The Top 6 teams have submitted their videos telling the world why they have entered and
It was inevitable that an international panel of judges from 4 countries on 3 continents with over 100 years of combined experience in Finance, Business, Leadership
The programme features a glimpse of The CharterQuest Case Study Center NPC’s latest
Valentine Nti, The CFO Project Executive Director said, “The 2016 detailed programme not only shows what will be happening during the global finals in October and the high impact CFOs, Business Leaders, plus other VIPs attending but includes the inspiration that enabled us
We give special thanks to the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and CFO South Africa for their unending support including other sponsors, endorsers and/or supporters listed in our programme. Sponsorships/Partnerships are still open, should you be interested kindly email [email protected]
The countdown to The CFO Case Study Competition Global finals has begun!
About The CFO Case Study Competition
The CFO Case Study Competition is Africa's premier and much-anticipated annual global event that brings together students, young professionals, universities, professional bodies, policy makers and big business for one purpose: to inspire the next generation of CFOs & Global Business Leaders. It is an integral part of Finance Indaba Africa Expo, the largest gathering of finance and allied professionals and businesses on the continent. The Competition started on the 1st of November 2015 with team entries, going through round 1, 2 and then reaching a crescendo in round 3 and 4, this being when the final 6 teams battle it out live in South Africa at the semi-finals and global finals on the 13th and 14th of October 2016 at the JSE and the Sandton Convention Center (SCC) respectively. These two days will be action-packed as the teams contest for a ZAR100, 000 cash prize and prove their mettle as the world's best of the best!